Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Johan Ariff bin Juhari will be out of business indefinitely

Kau janji cintaku tahun beribu,
Kau janji akan hilangkan duka pilu,
Katamu cinta tak mengenal siapa,
Katamu cinta tak mengenal mengapa...

Ku berikan segala qudratku,
Ku inginkan hanya bersamamu,
Tidak ku sangka akan erti sebenarnya,
Hatiku kau pijak, kau cerca, kau hina...

Kerna penipuanmu ku anggap cinta,
Di sini diriku ditinggal merana,
Oh komputer, kau memang tak guna,
Nak on pun sudah tidak dapat jua!

hfuckingidiotsnobbishretardeddownsyndromepigcopulaternosepickerflamingsoreofmygenitaliapuslickingimbecilewhoshoulddiebutdeathistoogoodatreatmentforyouasssniffingtoelickingbastardofincestuousdamnedhillybilliesjamiroquai punya komputer. Sekarang kau mati! Habis 2 bulan nih aku nak buat apa??? Haih...

So basically, computer rosak d. Will be onlining using others' pc minimally. This blog is practically gonna die.


the mosaicist said...

meninggalkan impak sungguh entry ngko yg ini. aku plak yg rasa sedih terhadap terputusnya hubungan ko dengan komputer ngko. tabahla johan! sesungguhnya ada a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow ;p

Fuzzy A! said...

I saw the pot of gold already but it's waiting for me thousands of miles away, back in Malaysia. Haih... jauhnye... Lambatnye lagi...

But on the other hand, a friend of a friend has an unused PC lying around. I'm trying to get the friend to get his friend to lend me.

Fuzzy A! said...
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peanut said...

yuna macam best jerrrrrrrrrrrr

Fuzzy A! said...

Itu pasai! I thought I was listening to Nora Jones wtf.