Sunday, May 24, 2009

Stigmata Bertudung

[Stole the title from a friend]

The most racist, or rather religionist, thing I've heard in a while was, "Wah, she wears tudung ah? Iyerr... Not nice la like that."

I was speechless. But then again, how long can you keep Johan speechless? I was speechless for 3 seconds.

Tudung. Hijab. Headscarf. Chadri. Whatever you call it. It's moving closer and closer to the line that borders derogatory terms every day.

Some of the worse myths I've heard about covered girls: They're actually bald underneath. Their hair smells like crap. It's an example of Islam's championship of male dominance. They're better muslims than uncovered girls [a view by the covered themselves, though, admittedly, not all. Just about 95%]

First two myths come from non-muslim guys, usually. Let me assure you, girls are not like guys. They generally take care of their body hygiene much better, for one. Just because they wear tudungs, doesn't mean they don't shampoo and condition and oil. Hell, if anything they do it more often than those who don't.

Secondly, the wearing of hijab is not an example of male dominance. If anything, it's the Quran's low expectation of the stronger [?] sex. It borderlines insult to those with johnsons, it is.

Us guys view almost every inch of the female human organism as sexual. Serious shit. Well, any given guy don't view everything as sexual objects but I'd say a collection of ten random guys would cover like 80% of fetishes. It's an evolution thing.

The way I see it, the Quran has given up hope with men limiting their lust, so they/he/she/it implores the real stronger side to do their part more than the men.

Us guys are going extinct anyways. It's an inevitable part of evolution.

And the girls who think they're better than those without tudungs, can suck my salty left ball.

Concerning most malays, it's not a sign of piety, no, not anymore. It's a sign of misplaced superiority. It's a sign of blind faith. It's a sign of tradition. It's a sign of lemming-like conformity.

Islam is not in the way you dress. A girl who dresses like a 2-dollar crab-infested whore from the sleaziest street in Pasquali of Oklahoma City can actually be your spiritual better.

I just saw a picture of a rather liberal friend of mine in tudung. I was shocked. It appears that I too view tudungs in a derogatory manner. I need to listen to my sermons more. Or perhaps I subconsciously think that the act of donning the tudung by this particular person is not an act of free-will but rather an enforced one. I dunno.


l said...

and to think that you used to say that hot tudunged girls are only so because they're ...

I'm not inclined to view the tudung as a device for controlling the male sexual appetite. It's not the responsibility of any women to prevent 'impure thoughts' from entering my mind. That task lies solely on my shoulders.

Lust does not come from the bare scalps or the plunging necklines or the vpls. It comes from me looking at them lustfully.

2 cents.

Fuzzy A! said...

Well, I grew up, it seems. This is my new stand: Tudung doesn't make a girl hot. Hotness makes a girl hot. So if you're hot, no matter how you dress up, you're hot. And if you're fugly, goddammit, a legion of gay hairdressers can't do nothing about it. You see, unlike beauty, fugly is deeper than skin-deep. It's who you are.

After reviewing the situation and extensive study involving googling for hot tudung girls, I came to the conclusion that I was shocked because of the second reason, not the first.

I don't see the logic in your second argument. Most theologians and holy men and philosophers agree that man is made by a physical body and a metaphysical soul/mind. To say that lust or attraction happens only in a mental surrounding and not a physical one is to undermine the science of physiology, evolutionary biology and anthropochemistry. Yes, I made that last word up. Annulling the first two would make medicine as we know it be like throwing spaghetti at the wall and see which would stick. And as a student of the medicinal arts, I can't accept that.

But to each his own, I guess. I myself am a believer in God-through-science and put equal importance in the physical and spiritual planes of existence.

I applaud and envy you for your self-control and enlightened state. I for one am a slave to basic instincts and therefore, I am still subjugated to earthly desires.

Anonymous said...

tudung is suck... are you agreed?

Anonymous said...

are you gay right?

Fuzzy A! said...

Anon1: No, tudung is not suck, I don't agree. It depends on how and who wears it, methinks. I mean, I'm quite dark, so you won't see me running around trying to be a goth, though I like their style very much.

Anon2: I don't see why my sexual orientation should play any important role in my writing blogs.