Monday, December 07, 2009

Letter to the Fucking Racists

We had an Election for the MSA a few days ago.

A non-Malay was chosen as the president, and rightly so for he is the best man for the job.

So, we Malays received an sms roughly saying, "How can a Muslim turn your back on your Muslim brother? How can you vote for a non-Muslim?"

Here's my reply:

Dear Fucking Racists,
We chose solely on the basis of competence. We are of the opinion that our Muslim brother is not as competent as our non-Malay brother.
If we have the choice between Yasser Arafat and Gandhi to fight for our independence, we'd choose Gandhi. If we have to choose between Mahathir Mohammed and the Thai King to speak out against America, we'll choose Mahathir. Not because Mahathir's a Muslim. It's because he's competent in this.
So, Mr. Racists, you can go fuck yourselves upside down and all around.
With much love,
Johan Ariff bin Juhari.


L said...

I'm sick of the "Vote for him because he's your muslim brother!", "Give me discount for this video game; fisabilillah, my brother!", "Ah, never mind the few dollars; sadaqah, my sister!" yadayadayada.


Fuzzy A! said...

Hey, perempuan ampang! You're still here! I thought I lost some of my readers already =.=

The sadaqah part reminds me of one time I was out with my friend, we saw a woman in tudung asking for alms. This friend took out some money but when we came near, he realized that the woman was a nun [Russian orthodox nuns wear tudungs]. So, he did the wisest thing, of course. He put the money back and said, "Ingatkan Muslim..."

WTF, right?

Saidatul Madiha Abd Rahim said...


Fuzzy A! said...

Dish! Aww you girls never left me... I'm touched.

I find that the acts of certain people here, not only Malays, are really really ridiculously, hilariously stupid.

I mean, you all are future doctors, for goodness' sake!

Pengembara said...

up till now, i dont think that people ever get it right. obviously you are right if you chose Gandhi over Yasser Arafat, because you know it'll be worse if Arafat was chosen.

and i think that the person who sent the sms also has his own reason. Maybe just because he believed more in the muslim or just afraid that the non-muslim who dont quite understand the muslims will do unjust. Well, maybe. But to sent the messages to flame people is a horrendous act of course.

i believe you are talking about the ym messages sent by the name of PPIM? that horrendous act was done by one of the underlings and doesnt have anything to do with the organizations or their leaders. and they sent another message to apologize.

besides, i believe this is all because of different interpretations of the quranic verses. but u know what they say in malay,berlapang dada.

in the end, we know exactly from the bottom of our heart that we all want justice, transparency and anything that has to do with good governance. so if these can be achieved, i dont think that there will be any problems later on. or maybe i just want to be an idealist? dunno.

Fuzzy A! said...

THERE'S A YM MESSAGE? I didn't know it had anything to do with PPIM also. Oh maybe it was sent to mobiles thru the mobile service on YM. =\

I have no qualms with PPIM, or UMNO even. Tapi there is quite a large number of racists among Malays here. I am tempted to say most.

And the gist of the SMS/YM Message is that one should choose a person solely on religion. We should put a murderous Muslim tyrant instead of a benevolent Jain president. That is the thing that burns my ass.

M said...

Hahahaha I like the letter! This is the kind of letters we should see in the Letter to the Editor section in our newspapers!!

Fuzzy A! said...

Freedom of speech is not a realistic right, in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

because of such thinking the country's crumbling ...

Fuzzy A! said...

Saya punya ke Orang yang hantar SMS punya thinking?

Anonymous said...

SmS dude

Fuzzy A! said...

Lol. Good to know, then.

zyryx said...

yeah..imo freedom of speech is overrated too.
hopefully the best man got the job.
who is it anyway?

Fuzzy A! said...

The best man for the job, indeed. I mean, who could imagine a better representative for the Malaysian students more than Mr Chai?

zyryx said...

oooo...chai yg wushu tu kan?yeah he's cool

Fuzzy A! said...

Nobody else is good enough.

QifA said...

hey Johan. I was sick/hypotension and all that, so i didn't even attend the event. Anyways, i was going to vote for Chai because he has proven through out the years that he is the right man for the job.

Why didn't i get the sms/ym or anything.haha.

Believe me, there are non Muslims who respect Muslims more than Muslims respect their own brothers.

Oh, i voted for you in my dreams when the elections took place.haha

Fuzzy A! said...

Not everyone got the message. Weird enough but it happened.