Sunday, January 04, 2009

Random thoughts

Have you ever tried to do the right thing and people taunt you for it, not realizing it's the right thing? And you grind your teeth and look calm skindeep when actually, behind the layer of derma and muscle and fat, you're raging, almost willing to screw the right thing and bite the taunt-er's head off? I do that at least 3 days a week. 

Sometimes I wonder if I'm building pent-up emotions and will eventually go on a killing spree.

Is it okay for someone you know for the better part of four years to be heard saying sorry only 3 times? And twice with enough sarcasm put inside, it could kill a monkey?

Why do people say the Jonas Brothers have talent when they sing through their nose? It's like that lady from the Nanny or Janice from Friends singing.

Would you believe me if I tell you that I censor myself in my blog and in public? Not on the people stuff but on stuff that matters: the spiritual, political and other -al stuff.

I remember the days when Snuff videos are actually rare. Nowadays, you google snuff you get snuff. Any twelve year-old can do it. It's rather worrying, actually. The internet is being the Herr Dussander to many Todd Bowdens.

Why don't people believe me when I say I'm shy?

Why people try to get me to say that, actually, I do care about and want to help the people when I tell them my motivation for pursuing medicine is mainly for the money?

My thoughts right now is me wanting to figure out how to post this entry upside down. And reading the comments of my only 2 readers reprimanding me for that.

If I get a genie one of my wishes is that every week I get a day where there would be no consequences to my actions.

I dream of the day when some of my hands-on friends and acquaintances, i.e. those that I have for the better part of the year, are not Philistines.

Duck on a stick.


Anonymous said...

JOHAN SHY?!!! Sure, and the Malaysian economy won't suffer because of the global recession. Good one my friend

Fuzzy A! said...

Point proven. On an unrelated note, who are you?

OK, new rule: people who doesn't have a google/blogger account thingie, write your name as your nick or at least your URL. It's damn confusing.

Anonymous said...

as a fren,i believe u'r shy sometime.

be urself always!!!^^

Fuzzy A! said...

Ban chun, stop reading blogs and go study hehe